
Since 1994

Kontinent Film & TV has since 1994 created over 2.600 short films, documentaries and brand communication films within a broad range of fields.

SOME OF OUR PROJECTS is a cloud-TV community containing video story cases from doctors and patients about psoriasis and sun damaged skin, including precancerous lesions, in order to raise awareness about the disease and life as a patient.

125 million people are suffering from psoriasis and about 35 million from sun damaged skin, called solar keratosis. Far too many of these individuals wait far too long time with consulting their doctors…. or never would. This community is for them. Here they will get easy access to valuable knowledge, first time ever, via film clips only. These film clips have been shared by specialists, scientists, patients and their relatives. is about cocoa and corporate social responsibility in Gana.

The cocoa tree grows in a narrow – only 40 degrees wide  - tropical belt around the equator where the climate is hot and humid. The home of the cacao tree is in the shade of larger trees in the rainforest.

Ghana is a country which grows most cocoa. In Ghana, there are approx. 800,000 farmers who feed on cocoa cultivation, and it becomes 600-700.000 tons of cocoa each year. The country's economy relies heavily on the annual cocoa crop.

The presence of child labour in the cocoa sector in Ghana is clearly a field of concern, and at Toms the CSR Department hase made it a strategic priority since 2006 to engage rhe companys in efforts to eliminate child labour in the cocoa supply chain.

Most child labour in the cocoa sector in Ghana takes place within the rural families where the hazardous work of concern for children is carrying heavy loads, spraying fertilizers and pesticides and using machetes in the field.

In partnership with Danida and TOMS, Kontinent Film & TV has been actively involved inthe documentation of the improving basic school education in cocoa producing districts by training teachers, trained and untrained. Over 800 teachers have been trained in 50 communities in the three districts Sankore, Bibiani and Sefwi Wiawso, targeting at improved reading, comprehension and writing skills of 2250 children.

Education of Concept Makers™

180º Academy educates Concept Makers™ who have the ability to develop, design and execute radical business concepts. They have revolutionised traditional education by merging together students with different competences and thinking styles in a praxis-oriented learning environment.

At 180º Academy the primary point of departure is the aspirations and motivations of everyday people and not so everyday people.

CIID is part of the 180º Academy faculty teaching creativity methods for concept generation and prototyping within innovation processes. Their module focuses on teaching Innovation and Design Managers from Danish and international companies about concept generation techniques, experience prototyping and concepts blueprints.

Company representatives work in teams of 4/5, exploring topics of their own interest. The activities are based on a learning-by-doing philosophy, including prototyping with videos, scenarios, software and hardware.

A dedicated crew from Kontinent Film & TV followed the first team of Concept Makers™ during the

2007 – 2010  semesters.

Communication difficulties between doctors and patients have been looked at by our researchers from several disciplines who have tried to explore why these occur.  We have found that doctors and patients often talk to each other with different voices.

The voice of medicine is characterized by medical terminology, objective descriptions of physical symptoms, and the classification of these within a reductionist biomedical model.

The voice of patients, on the other hand, is characterized by non-technical discourse about the subjective experience of illness within the context of social relationships and the patient's everyday world. Typically, doctors have more power than patients to structure the nature of the interaction between them.

As a consequence, patients may feel that their voice is overridden, silenced, or stripped of personal meaning and social context. To improve communications between doctors and patients we need also to understand the nature of the decision making.

With our series of medical communications films we aim at contributing to create a communication platform for GPs, patient organizations and the specialists.

We believe that each of these films can be a firmly integrated part of any effective communication platform within the respective medical fields, from which all the individuals in these three groups will benefit. As time goes by more and more films will be uploaded, so please stay tuned.

Effective doctor-patient communication is a central clinical function in building a therapeutic doctor-patient relationship, which is the heart and art of medicine. The large number of short films involving a large number of individuals from countries all over the world, monitor patient stories and relevant statements from dermatology specialists related to psoriasis and melanoma skin cancer.

We can proudly and humbly announce that hundreds of selected dermatology doctors, patients and relatives have been engaged in our project. They have given their highly appreciated statements, advice and disease stories to Without them, this cloud-TV community would never exist. Both the doctors and the patients address many of the main issues that people, suffering either from psoriasis or sun damaged skin, are deeply concerned about.

Unfortunately recent studies document that waiting time to be appointed with a dermatology specialist is increasing slightly both in Australia, UK and USA. With this platform most patients can prepare profoundly during the waiting time. The specialists appearing on reveal some information to help patients prepare for their appointment and to know what to expect from the doctor:

What might be causing my signs and symptoms? Do I need diagnostic tests? What treatments are available, and which do you recommend for me? What types of side effects can I expect? Will the treatment you recommended cause a remission in my symptoms? How quickly can I expect results? What are the alternatives to the primary approach you're suggesting? I have other medical conditions. How can I manage these conditions together? What skin care routines and products do you recommend to improve my symptoms? And much more.

We will describe more film concepts here so please stay tuned. Thank you.

The current discussion about climate change is largely focused on catastrophes such as rising temperatures, storms, droughts, increased sea levels and mass extinction. We have globally recognised the challenge, and now we need to focus all our efforts on inventing and implementing both technological and political solutions. And we have many opportunities.

Among others: · Technological solutions exist to mitigate the effects of climate change

· There are untapped incentives to reduce CO2, related to our wellbeing

· Combating climate change also offers business opportunities

· Developing countries are an important part of the solutions This channel focuses on giving you knowledge and inspiration, so you can also be a part of driving the solutions.

Please stay tuned for additional short films on this channel. Look for more on

Through the given and future technologies we can combat the emerging CO2 impact.

© Copyright 1994 - 2021 * All Rights Reserved* KontinentFilm & TV * Copenhagen - London - Seattle -Tokyo is a Cloud-TV Community™ containing a still raising number of short film productions about district heating and district cooling to create awareness about the great benefits of district energy. 

The films present show cases, short stories and relevant interviews related to the evidence that for the presence and future district energy systems have a lot to offer and they provide a flexible infrastructure able to integrate a wide range of (renewable) energy sources. has been developed by Kontinent Film & TV in association with DBDH, Danish Board of District Heating, throughout a long term association with the goal of sharing our knowledge about district heating and cooling via a video-only platform for the benefit of professional users.

DBDH, the Danish Board of District Heating is Denmark’s leading district heating and cooling export organisation with their mission to promote district energy for a sustainable city transformation.

Our partners in this huge project are some of the world’s most acknowledged equipment suppliers, utilities, consultant companies and providers of services.

The entire production ran from April 2017 till February 2017 involving over 500 individuals in 23 countries.

This Cloud-TV Community™ will expand by time with the users' upload.